Water quality
We work in natural environments where conditions can constantly change. Open water swimming is very different to swimming in a pool with certain conditions that we must accept.
Having said that, as an organiser we do our utmost to ensure any risks are minimal and reasonable.
Here is how Pacesetter Events operates to keep athletes safe.
We only use venues unaffected by sewage outlets, other obvious contaminants and stick to lakes and reservoirs that we know are clean and free from such issues.
Testing is thorough and regular especially as an event date approaches.
Some examples include Rutland water which is tested weekly throughout the year regardless of the event. We increase testing for swim course areas as an event approaches with a general lake overview (several locations) throughout the year.
Somewhere like Burghley is not as intensely tested but we have tested for multiple years before ever opening an event. We test across the course months out, weeks out and days out to ensure we are ok.
The standrads that we adgere to are set by the worl helath organisation. We do not caveat or tweak those recommendations, we simply